Monday, 24 June 2013

New Potatoes

I dug our first new potatoes of the year yesterday. A variety called Maris Bard,  it has a white flesh and firm texture.

This of course mean't that there was space to plant the next crop, Broccoli and Kale.
All safely netted to keep the pigeons off.

It looks like the Yellow courgettes will be next to mature.

We have several other varieties of potato, some planted in containers.
I've also planted some spare Leeks in a container, rather than waste them.

In the front fence bed, I've  planted some spare cabbage and bean plants along side the Rose and French marigolds.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Produce,Pigeons and protection

Things are really starting to ripen on the plots. Today we had our first strawberries.

The Runner beans, dwarf beans and broad beans are all flowering and small beans are forming.
The Runner bean variety that I am growing has a very pretty flower.

I was lucky to acquire a dilapidated old cold frame this week, a good clean, a couple of new bolts and four  replacement panes of glass and it is now completely restored.

A fathers day present from daughter Pru came in handy today, after I found my lettuces had been attacked by Pigeons.

These old packing cases are supplied by another plot holder, they make great planters and last several years. I simply drill some drain holes in the bottom and give them a coat of paint to tone down the new ply
I have Leeks, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Courgettes and Squash planted in them.

Squash Polo F1

Yellow Courgette
In this image you can see how bright the new packing cases are, before a coat of paint
Climbing french beans (Blue lake variety) along side a row of packing case  planters

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The last few days have been fairly busy on the plots, with a variety of jobs.
Weeding as always is an ongoing task, as is watering.
I collected a load of glass the other day from Free-cycle, some of this I've started cutting to size for making cloches, these will be put to use in the autumn to extend the growing season and then again in the spring to protect plants from the cold and give an earlier start to the crops.

Another job was to put in place a dipping tank by the taps. This required some lateral thinking as the tank had a significant leak. Anyway.... a bit of wheelbarrow inner tube, a short length of Hazel, some scrap aluminium and a couple of nuts and bolts soon had the problem solved.

For some while the taps had been causing problems, with constant use they were working loose from the supply pipe, and leaking quite badly. After tightening the joint several times it became obvious to me that a more permanent and fool proof solution was required. Again some screws a couple of nuts and bolts, and some scrap metal provided the answer.
The resulting straps prevent sideways movement and hence the taps working loose

Heres one of our latest additions to the plot, a bird bath.

Last but not least heres a shot of the plot taken from the top of my compost bins, you can see that a little more of the summer house has been painted.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Lottie news

Theres always plenty to do on the plots, one of the jobs is to thin seedlings, allowing those left in the ground to grow larger. Today it was the turn of the carrots, these pencil sized thinnings  are soooooo tasty !...... great for salads.

Another new planter at the end of the path, filled with French marigolds.

 We are really pleased with the Pear tree that Pru got us from Freecycle, it has set quite a few fruits.

A general plot view

Our trusty wire hen keeps guard on the roof of our compost bins

Tom Thumb lettuces, they are quick maturing , very crisp and tasty

Potatoes growing in old 25ltr containers

An old galv water tank makes a great dipping tank for filling watering cans .
 Our latest addition to the plot, a distressed old seat, perfectly usable, but looks really good in its coat of lichens and mosses

Monday, 10 June 2013

Good growing weather

Everything is growing well, with very few failures, heres some shots of  the fruit, veg and flowers.

Sharon's Alpine trough

Beetroot growing fast

Dwarf Broad bean flowers

Greenhouse 2

Lollo rosso lettuce

Little gem lettuce in the centre

Sharon's planters

Runner bean flowers

Strawberry runners pegged down in pots to make new plants

Yellow courgettes on the way
Strawberries on the way

Monday, 3 June 2013

Table and chair swap

After much thought and lengthy discussion, we decided to swap the original lottie table and chairs with our anniversary table and chairs from Ballindune.

They both fit so much better in the new locations.

The lottie seat in place at Ballindune

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Veg photos

Just a few shots showing the progress of our vegetables so far.

General view
Lettuce, Parsley and Rhubarb

Sweetcorn and Leeks just planted and watered


Strawberries in flower

Carrots and Parsnips

Beetroot and Globe artichoke
Jan King Cabbage and Savoy

Courgette in packing case planter

Cabbage, Mange tout and Beetroot

Spring cabbage and Tom thumb lettuce

Toms and cucumber, with French marigold companion planting.
Raised beds view, Broad beans in the centre, Onions near the greenhouse
Beetroot and Globe artichokes, Sweet corn on the left