The plots are always changing, things grow, ripen, are harvested and then are replaced with new crops.
I think photos show better than words the progression of the plot through the season. Especially the Panorama shots which depict the overall change quite well.
The first tomato about to fully ripen |
Plenty of good size toms on the way |
From outside the greenhouse, the French marigolds have loved the warm weather |
The Onion crop drying, they arent the best I've ever grown, many suffered from a fungal infection. |
Sweet peas, continue to fill the garden with their scent, its a major task keeping up with the picking, which is of course essential to keep them flowering. |
The Strawberries were great, here you can see I've cut back those that have finished fruiting and potted lots of runners to extend the patch. |
Strawberry plants and Spring cabbage plants growing on in the cold frame, the wire is to keep off the pigeons which would make short work of the cabbages |
A fresh planting of Hispi spring cabbage, again netted against the pigeons |
Sweetcorn have grown huge and are just developing cobs |
Parsnips also are growing really well, I did a thinning recently and the roots are really looking great |
We have just the two Cucumber plants, they have provided masses of really large juicy fruits |
The runner beans continue to crop really well, they are a very tender variety that don't go stringy easily |