Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Lots to do on the plots at the moment, All three greenhouses are now planted with Tomatoes, and Cucumber.
The Leeks sown earlier in the year in the greenhouse, are now outside in the prepared bed .
Purple sprouting Broccoli has been planted out and covered with canes and a net to keep the Pigeons and Cabbage White Butterflies at bay.
I recently transplanted some seed grown Chives out to the front of the plots, I needed the tubs they were growing in for other crops

Autumn sown Onions starting to fatten.

Broad beans, starting to form pods

A nice layer of wood chips in front of the summer house.

Purple S Broccoli under protective netting

Clematis and Chives on the front fence of the plots

One of several tubs holding yellow and green Courgettes

Another view of from fence showing the wonderfully fragrant Zephirine Drouhin rose

Front fence showing newly transplanted Chives

Front of plots

Newly transplanted leeks.
Lettuce in the greenhouse

Another view of the Broccoli and protection

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Its been a while since I last updated my blog, so I thought I'd better at least put up some photos to record this years progress.
I had several longish breaks in progress on the plots this year, unavoidable..... but never the less several things failed and some crops are later than I would normally have liked.
Thankfully in recent weeks the warm and reasonably wet weather have helped to get things  nearly back on track.
The addition of an extra greenhouse, obtained from free cycle, will allow for a larger crop of tomatoes this year.
I'm growing four varieties of Toms, Shirley F1, Ailsa craig, Golden sunrise and Milla
I've also sown more Parsnips, sprouts and planted more Potatoes and Onion sets this year.

Runners with protection from a cold wind at the time of planting, using old shower screens
A selection of plants in Green house

Garlic and Onions in the foreground, Potatoes,Parsnips and Broad bean(sown on 9th Dec)

Another view of Garlic and onions( both autumn and spring sown)


The new greenhouse, showing its new topsoil/compost mix 

Parsnips, I had
an excellent germination rate, they can be tricky!

A second sowing of Broad beans and the three new Rhubarb plants

Sprouts and Lettuce under netting to keep the Pigeons off.

Strawberries, netted and ready for the crop to ripen in a bed of straw

Toms planted in new Green house

2.5 Cubic metres of topsoil/compost mix ready to go down to the plots