Sunday, 28 April 2013

More digging and bed construction

After fixing the summerhouse roof yesterday, I needed time to think about how I'm going to fix a roof over the decking.
So while mulling over a couple of ideas, I got on with some digging and an alteration to Sharon's bedding area.

We decided to do away with one of the beds leaving just the four

This gives us more space near our neighbours fence on the right for a seating area

The sweet peas from the dismantled bed have been replanted in the main sweet pea area on the right of this picture

There will be a metre wide flower bed dividing Sharon's area from the veg plot beyond

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Summerhouse roof repairs

Theres not a lot to see today in the photos, but trust me!.... plenty of work went into repairing the roof sections, it was rather like putting a jigsaw together, patching recycled timber into the damaged areas.
There was a pop hole in the side wall from where the previous owner had used the building for chickens, this has also been blocked up.
The decking was also completed.
 Sharon spent a lot of time cleaning windows, and the inside, which was very dusty and had lots of cobwebs. In between helping me lift and hold the roof sections in place, while I screwed them down.

Lower right hand side is where the pop hole was, you can just see the difference in the colour of the wood.

Last job of the day was to fix a tarp on the top to keep out the rain overnight. The next stage is fixing the roofing felt.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Summerhouse update

An early start to the day was required to go and pick up the summerhouse with brother John and a tipper lorry.
We arrived at Yateley by 8am and loaded the bits without incident , and then arrived back at  the Lottie by 10am.
Fortunately the Lottie car park was empty so turning the lorry was no problem and we were able to quickly off load. In fact everything went like clockwork!

After lunch we set about the rebuild and by 6.30pm it was pretty much erected, with the exception of the roof which needs some repair work.
I was also able to put together the decking.

A closer shot showing the decking, it just needs a good scrub and it will look the biz.

Had enough decking board to put an edging piece along the front edge

A final shot taken as I departed for home, showing the left hand window with a new pane of glass

Thursday, 25 April 2013


Today we went to Yateley and dismantled our newly acquired summerhouse, it is a very well made unit of good quality timber. 90% of it is in very good nick. The one exception is the roof which will need some work. About 10% of the boards are rotted and will need to be replaced, but its not a major problem.
We were also lucky enough to get the bearers which are sound and can be used again.
We arrived on site at 10.30 and were away again by 2pm, this included a tea break, and a proper cooked lunch in the camper van.
The most awkward part was removing the old roofing felt, which was  several layers thick, and held by many clout nails.

New glass will be required for the front windows

 So........ new roofing felt, clout nails, a few screws, bitumastic lap cement, paint and some graft, will give us a very good value building. I already have most of the timber  put aside to effect the necessary repairs.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

A busy time on the plot

Lots going on at the moment, the second greenhouse beds were completed today,  they are ready for planting when the plants are ready.

A central path made up of a rubble base covered by heavy duty plastic and then a thick layer of wood chips.The beds have been enriched with compost.
There are plants in greenhouse number one being prepared for planting in greenhouse two.

In the foreground are Cucumbers, Courgette  and dwarf french beans.
The Pear tree has lots of blossom.

Still buds, but won't be long opening.

Preparation for the summerhouse is going well, today I laid out blocks and bearers to take the floor.

Levels are all sorted, we were also given some decking boards to make a veranda..

Some lovely clay pots from free cycle.

The last few sunny days have helped to germinate the carrots and parsnips, I'm very pleased about the Parsnips because they can be tricky to get going. Planted some dwarf broad beans out today, they had been started in greenhouse one.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Greenhouse glazing

Today I glazed the new greenhouse, a perfect day for it, sunny with only a light breeze.

From the back showing the newly sited cold frame

Front view, the whole unit has been mounted on a wooden plinth giving me more height.
All that is left to do now is dig over the soil and create the internal beds.

One of the other plot holders delivered a small quantity of plastic guttering for anyone to take and use.
There is enough to put guttering on both sheds. This will take rain water away from dripping down the walls of the sheds and also fill my water butts.

Guttering on the larger shed, old but functional.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Greenhouse installation plus planting out

Today we sorted out lots of  different jobs, The Strawberry plants needed to go out, as did the Sweet peas.

Three different varieties of Strawberry plants to give an extended fruiting season

Sweet peas planted to grow up canes, with some protection against frost with spare panes of  glass 

The greenhouse erection is proceeding slowly, today I made a wooden base and levelled the whole frame. The base will give added height to make working inside easier.

In front of the greenhouse are planted five rows of early potatoes
The cold frame is now sited behind the greenhouse and near the gate

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Allotment news and cooking facilities

A busy few days have seen several developments, I picked up an 8x6 Greenhouse via Freecycle from Petersfield on Sunday using Hannah's car.
On Monday we had a busy day at Pru's, Sharon helped Pru move loads of furniture around the house, while I borrowed the car to transport wood and concrete blocks (to support the planned Summer house) down to the allotment.
Better than that, I was also able to pick up a camping cooker for our allotment shed, again via freecycle.

It was a bit dirty from being stored in a shed, but cleaned up well, I think it has had very little use, it just needs a new rubber gas pipe.

I started to rebuild the new greenhouse today, but only managed to put the frame together due to taking part in a work party on the community area of the allotments.
We had to forked over, rake and seed the new grass area.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

This and that

I decided to build an arch over the plot entrance today, I also incorporated some heavy mesh into the upper part of the fence to provide a growing support for a thornless Blackberry plant.
I'm also planning to plant some sort of flowering climber to provide added interest.

Sowed some more Carrots in the raised bed and some Beetroot seeds in modules in the Greenhouse.

Recycled plastic containers make great covers for seed trays
 We have several varieties of Brassicas coming up, the ones above are sprouts and spring cabbage

Parsley and Globe Artichokes

2 Litre soft drink bottles make great mini greenhouses/cloches
 A couple of Lavender seedlings get special treatment in the soft drinks bottles.

Flat leaf Parsley
The Parsley gets a wire cover to protect it from the Pigeons, under the glass in the background is a sowing of Spinach.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Bean sticks

Recent work at the lotty has included erecting the Bean sticks for Runner beans and planting Raspberry canes.

I also made a lean too shelter, it is attached to the back of the new shed and made from various recycled materials, bits salvaged from another part rotted shed, and other offcuts. It will provide further undercover storage for more garden bits and bobs.
When the weather is suitable it will be painted to match the shed

Friday, 5 April 2013

Serious digging underway

 Spent most of today digging a new bed, not very many perennial weeds thank goodness. The soil was in just the right condition for working. Found quite a few asparagus crowns which I'm going to re-plant, they don't take kindly to being disturbed but I'll give them a chance.