Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Allotment news and cooking facilities

A busy few days have seen several developments, I picked up an 8x6 Greenhouse via Freecycle from Petersfield on Sunday using Hannah's car.
On Monday we had a busy day at Pru's, Sharon helped Pru move loads of furniture around the house, while I borrowed the car to transport wood and concrete blocks (to support the planned Summer house) down to the allotment.
Better than that, I was also able to pick up a camping cooker for our allotment shed, again via freecycle.

It was a bit dirty from being stored in a shed, but cleaned up well, I think it has had very little use, it just needs a new rubber gas pipe.

I started to rebuild the new greenhouse today, but only managed to put the frame together due to taking part in a work party on the community area of the allotments.
We had to forked over, rake and seed the new grass area.


  1. My goodness, no wonder it took all day to do the amenity area it looks great, can't wait for the grass to grow.
    You're on lunch tomorrow then, with the new cooker.

  2. Wow!! That's one heck of alot of digging!! Can't wait to come and enjoy some bbq's there in the summer :) Lovely camping cooker too - very jealous! Sure you wouldn't like to swap for my rusty old one?

  3. Wow that is a lot of digging!! Very jealous of that camping cooker too - it looks brand new!
