I decided to build an arch over the plot entrance today, I also incorporated some heavy mesh into the upper part of the fence to provide a growing support for a thornless Blackberry plant.
I'm also planning to plant some sort of flowering climber to provide added interest.
Sowed some more Carrots in the raised bed and some Beetroot seeds in modules in the Greenhouse.
Recycled plastic containers make great covers for seed trays |
We have several varieties of Brassicas coming up, the ones above are sprouts and spring cabbage
Parsley and Globe Artichokes |
2 Litre soft drink bottles make great mini greenhouses/cloches |
A couple of Lavender seedlings get special treatment in the soft drinks bottles.
Flat leaf Parsley |
The Parsley gets a wire cover to protect it from the Pigeons, under the glass in the background is a sowing of Spinach.
Wow! I leave the plot for a day and you completely transform it, love the arch and the high fence for the blackberry. Great to see the seedlings doing so well.